Can Your BVN be Changed? Understanding the Options

The Bank Verification Number, commonly known as the BVN, is an important part of Nigeria’s banking system. It serves as a means of verification and uniquely identifies each bank customer. With the increased use of BVNs in banking transactions, it’s natural to have questions about whether BVN details can be changed.

In this detailed guide, we’ll explore the question “Can BVN be changed?” based on guidance from the Nigerian banking sector. We’ll look at the specific details that can be updated on a BVN, such as name, date of birth, and phone number. You’ll learn the correct procedures and requirements for making any amendments.

By the end, you’ll have a clear understanding of the BVN change process. Let’s begin our discussion on this important topic.

Can a BVN be Changed?

When asking if a BVN can be changed, the short answer is no – the BVN number itself cannot be altered once issued. However, certain details linked to the BVN can be updated under the right circumstances.

It’s important to understand that the BVN serves as a unique identifier for each customer. Just as your national identity number doesn’t change, keeping the BVN stable is important for accurately verifying identity over time.

So while the actual BVN remains permanent, the following linked details may be amended with valid proof if needed:

  • Name
  • Date of birth
  • Residential address
  • Phone number

We’ll explore the specific situations where changes to these BVN details are permitted shortly. But first, it’s essential to note that updates can generally only be made once. Customers only have a single opportunity to correct any mistakes, so thorough verification is advised before submitting update requests.

Now let’s examine the most common reasons a customer may need to amend their BVN details.

When Can BVN Details Be Changed?

BVN Name Mismatch

A frequent reason for name changes relates to mismatches between the BVN name and valid IDs. This often occurs due to minor spelling or ordering differences.

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For example, a BVN may list the name as “John Paul Smith” but the current ID shows “Paul John Smith”. In such cases, a court affidavit confirming the mismatch is typically sufficient to rectify it.

Complete Name Change

Updating an entirely new full name requires more paperwork including:

  • Court affidavit for legal name change
  • National ID displaying the new name
  • Newspaper publication announcing the new name

This ensures proper verification that the person undergoing the change is indeed who they claim to be.

Date of Birth Correction

If the DOB on a BVN does not match a legal record like a birth certificate, it can be updated. The process involves:

  • Court affidavit for date discrepancy
  • National ID
  • Original birth records as proof

BVN details must accurately reflect valid legal documentation.

Address or Phone Change

Simple updates involving address or contact phone number only require:

  • A national ID for verification
  • Notification to the banking point of contact

There’s usually no additional documentation needed for such minor alterations.

Now that we understand the change scenarios allowed by banks, let’s look at the formal process involved.

The BVN Details Update Process

It’s important to note that all BVN amendments must be submitted through the bank where the initial enrollment took place. Even if an individual has accounts with multiple banks now, only the original registration bank can process changes.

Here are the standard steps:

  1. Gather Required Documents

Ensure you have all necessary items based on the type of change – ID, affidavits, publications etc. Photocopies should be made in case originals are needed later.

  1. Submit Application

Visit the registration bank branch and request a ‘BVN Update Form’. Attach documents and provide biometric details for verification.

  1. Form Review Process
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The bank verifies submitted information and documents before approval. This may take 1-2 weeks to complete.

  1. Update Finalization

If approved, the bank notifies the CBN within 72 hours to 15 days maximum. The changes are then reflected across the individual’s financial profiles.

  1. Verification Check

Test the update – log into banking platforms or request statement printouts to ensure changes were applied correctly as intended.

A few additional tips:

  • Carry a valid ID like a National ID card or international passport for identification
  • Update all applicable accounts and profiles like bank, telco, and insurance records
  • Keep original documents safe at home in case future nee

So in summary, while the BVN number itself can’t change, details associated with it may be altered once with supporting proofs. Proper verification is prioritized by the banks.

BVN Change Scenarios Explained

To demonstrate the update process more clearly, let’s examine a few common real-life scenarios banks may encounter:

Scenario 1 – Name Order Change

Adeola had her BVN captured as “Adeola Tomi Johnson” but now carries her ID as “Johnson Tomi Adeola” due to cultural naming customs.

She would submit her national identity card displaying the new name order, plus an affidavit explaining the mix-up to her registration bank for correction.

Scenario 2 – Surname Change Due to Marriage

Bisi’s name on documents is now “Bisi Adeoye” after marriage, yet her BVN still shows her maiden name “Bisi Adesina”.

Required paperwork would include a marriage certificate, a national ID with a new surname, and an affidavit for verification at her BVN enrollment bank.

Scenario 3 – Complete Name Replacement

Kemi legally changed her first and surname entirely, and now goes by “Wura Ajoke”.

Submission of newspaper publications announcing new names, court name change affidavits, and national identity documents with “Wura Ajoke” to the BVN bank would facilitate the update.

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Scenario 4 – Minor Date Change

Deborah’s maiden name and details perfectly match her BVN except her date of birth is recorded as 12th June instead of the correct 15th June.

Original birth records showing 15th June as DOB alongside affidavits would allow the bank to easily remedy this minor discrepancy for Deborah.

These real-world examples provide clarity on documenting valid cases for BVN detail amendments when needed by customers. Proper verification is still maintained each step of the way.

Updating BVN Overseas

For Nigerians residing abroad long-term, there are additional options available besides returning home solely for a BVN change:

  • Contact the registration bank’s international customer support team digitally or by phone
  • Visit the Nigerian embassy/high commissions in countries like the UK, USA, and Canada for guidance
  • Assign Power of Attorney to a trusted relative in Nigeria who can lodge docs on your behalf
  • Seek assistance at any correspondent bank overseas that has links to your registered bank

While the core process and requirements don’t differ, banks aim to make remote updates accessible too for the Nigerian diaspora when needed. Technology facilitates convenient solutions.


In summary, the Bank Verification Number itself remains permanent once issued. However, limited details linked to the BVN such as name, date of birth, phone or address may be amended as required with the right paperwork.

Understanding this capability helps clear any confusion as to whether BVNs can ever change in Nigeria. The standard procedures ensure accurate identity verification is still upheld throughout any amendments made.

I hope this detailed guide has shed useful light on the options available for updating BVN information. Proper documentation and verification through an individual’s registration bank is the way to overcome minor mismatches when they arise.

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